The young Abdourahmane Dabo alias Al-Farùq, a Senegalese slam artist, passed away at the height of his age. A poet by heart, he has left us tragically and unexpectedly this Tuesday, October 6, following an illness. His ascent in the world of African slam was impressive during the very first edition of the African Cup of Slam and Poetry held in N’Djamena (Chad), from where the native of Bignona (Ziguinchor, Senegal) had emerged as the champion in front of his African peers from various backgrounds. Al-Farùq has succeeded in making a lasting impression through his talent, his humanism and his charisma. He has left without knowing who will succeed him to his throne as African Slam champion.
On and off the continent, the world of slam pays homage to him (right-click on the photo to download and read the messages) :

Deuhb Emmanuel Zyzou is a Chadian journalist and blogger. A fan of
information technology, he made it his battle at a very young age. From blogger to multimedia journalist to web-activist, Deuhb is passionate about his work. His mastery of digital technology has led him to lead a number of projects in his own country and abroad. An expert trainer on digital issues, Deuhb has trained numerous journalists, human rights defenders in Africa and young people. In recent years, he has become involved in online fact-checking and has trained many Chadian journalists in fact-checking. His work and research on disinformation is partly concerned with the wind of disinformation blowing in the Sahel, with an open window on Chad. Very active on social issues in his country, Deuh’b comments on political, social, cultural and sporting news in Chad.