Voice4Thought’s original mission was to facilitate art and science collaborations. The Voice4Thought methodology developed where these two fields overlap: slow production of knowledge through observation, trial and error.
In art, knowledge is approached creatively, so that form and content find harmony. An artwork is always more than the sum of its parts, so that unexpected results may arise.
In journalism, we are reaching for the stories in between news headlines; in research we look for the space between thinking and feeling.
On the one hand, our approach is hands-on, teaching short workshops and providing the basic technical means and online infrastructure to start producing podcasts, videoworks and journalistic articles. On the other hand, it’s spiritual, encouraging people to find their own unique voice by using their senses.
With this method, Voice4Thought aims to find a way around power structures in which most of our minds are subconsciously embedded. In putting the individual’s ability to create at the heart of everything we do, we hope to encourage a tailor-made emancipation process for each voice that joins us.
Voice4Thought does not aim to force anything, but wants to allow for knowledge and art to unfold by providing infrastructure and sharing motivation and energy.
Through occupying this methodological space, Voice4Thought aims to create a world-wide network of people who are interested in using our strategies. A network of people, connected not by national identity, but through a shared mode of being.
We are bringing our method into action in Voice4Thought Academy Mali, publication platform Resultra, developed journalistic program Bon Buzz in Chad, and are setting up Vozpa’Colombia, the first V4T academy in Latin America.
The above are some examples. You can find out more about our activities on the project page.