
International Liaison, V4T Artist

After the release of his last album “Apprenons à les comprendre” in 2015, Didier Lalaye a.k.a. Croquemort has been invited to Mali, The Netherlands, Paris, Liège, Ouagadougou and Yaoundé.

He takes part in very diverse events, from singing in festivals of slam poetry to conferences on French language and African studies. He is always active, writing without pause and sharping his tongue for denouncing and describing what in society fills him with indignation.

He talks especially about Chad, even from abroad. Singing and writing are his natural ways to express indignation and anger.

Beyond his jobs of slammer and medical doctor, he is the founder and executive director of the festival N’djam s’enflamme en slam, based in N’djamena (Chad). He is also the manager for West and Central Africa of the artistic-academic project Voice4Thoughts-Netherlands, in collaboration with the Voice4Thought foundation and the University of Leiden. He lives between Cameroon and the Netherlands.


Didier Lalaye alias Croquemort
Volkstraat 31 bis
3514 TH, Utrecht
The Netherlands
Whatsapp : +31687824210
Mail :

For a detailed insight in Croquemort’s life and music, read Croquemort’s story on the Bridging Humanities website.

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