Information and communications technologies (ICTs) – Reference list

Castells, Manuel. 2009. Communication Power. Oxford: OUP.

Millar Daniel and Slater Don. 2001. The Internet: An Ethnographic Approach. 1 edition. Oxford ; New York: Bloomsbury Academic.

Horst, Heather A, and Daniel Miller. 2012. Digital Anthropology. 1st ed. London [etc.]: Berg Publishers


On mobile communication

de Bruijn, M. E. 2016, “Citizen journalism at crossroads: mediated political agency and duress in Central Africa”in Mutsvairo, Bruce, ed. 2015. Participatory Politics and Citizen Journalism in a Networked Africa. A Connected Continent. UK: Palgrave Macmillan: 90-104

de Bruijn, M. E. 2015, “New ICT and mobility in Africa” in N. Sigona, A. Gamlen, G. Liberatore, H. N. Kringelbach (eds.) Diasporas Reimagined: Spaces, Practices and Belonging, 140-145. United Kingdom: Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford.

Bruijn, Mirjam de. 2014. “Connecting in Mobile Communities: An African Case Study.” Media Culture Society 36 (3): 319–35.

de Bruijn, M. E, I Brinkman, and F Nyamnjoh. 2013. “Introduction: Mobile Margins and the Dynamics of Communication.” In Side@Ways: Mobile Margins and the Dynamics of Communication, 1–16. Leiden/Cameroon: ASC/Langaa.

de Bruijn, M. E. 2013. “Mobile Telephony and Socioeconomic Dynamics in Africa.” In Infrastructure and Land Policies, 61–83. Cambridge, masachusetts: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

de Bruijn, Mirjam. 2013. “Mobiele Telefoniecultuur in Afrika: Internationaal Vakmanschap in Kameroen.” Internationale Spectator 66 (5): 245–50.

de Bruijn, M.E., R. Jeffrey & A. Doran 2013, “The Great Indian Phone Book: How Cheap Mobile Phones Change Business, Politics and Daily Life, South Asia, South Asia”. Journal of South Asian Studies 36(4): 684-685.

de Bruijn, M.E. & W. G. Nkwi 2013, “Life is so Summarised: Society’s Memory in the Digital Age in Africa” in: M. Wallace, T. Barringer, J. Damen (eds.) Dis/Connects. African Studies in the Digital Age, Leiden: Brill.

Mutsvairo, Bruce. 2013. “Power and Participatory Politics in the Digital Age : Probing the Use of New Media Technologies in Railroading Political Changes in Zimbabwe.” Doctoral Thesis, Leiden: Leiden University.

Seli, Djimet. 2013. “(De)connexions Identitaires Post-Conflit : Les Hadjeray Du Tchad Face à La Mobilité et Aux Technologies de La Communication.” Doctoral Thesis, Leiden: Leiden University.

Bruijn, M. E. de, F. B. Nyamnjoh, and I. Brinkman. 2009. Mobile Phones : The New Talking Drums of Everyday Africa. Bamenda: Langaa Publishers.

Buijn, M. E. de. 2008. “‘The Telephone Has Grown Legs.’ Mobile Communication and Social Change in the Margins of African Society.” Leiden: African Studies Centre

Smith, Daniel J. 2006. “Cell Phones, Social Inequality, and Contemporary Culture in Nigeria” Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines 40(3): 496-523


On social media

Kosinski, M et al. 2015. “Facebook as a Research Tool for the Social Sciences: Opportunities, Challenges, Ethical Considerations, and Practical Guidelines.” American Psychologist 70(6): 543–56.

Madianou, Mirca. 2015. “Polymedia and Ethnography: Understanding the Social in Social Media.” Social Media + Society 1(1): 1–3.

Suurpää Leena, Sumiala Johanna, Hjelm Titus, Tikka Minttu. 2015. “Studying youth in the streets of the media city – Field notes on a relational perspective”. Observatorio (OBS) Journal, media city: Spectacular, Ordinary and Contested Spaces, 177-191

Na, Jinkyung, Michal Kosinski, and David J. Stillwell. 2014. “When a New Tool Is Introduced in Different Cultural Contexts Individualism–Collectivism and Social Network on Facebook.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology: 1–16.

Postill, John, and Sarah Pink. 2012. “Social Media Ethnography: The Digital Researcher in a Messy Web.” Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture & Policy (145): 123–34.

Reich, Jennifer A. 2014. “Old Methods and New Technologies: Social Media and Shifts in Power in Qualitative Research.” Ethnography 16(4): 394–415.

van Dijk, José. 2012. “Facebook as a Tool for Producing Sociality and Connectivity.” Television & New Media 12(2): 160-76

Herrera, Linda. 2012. “Youth and Citizenship in the Digital Age: A View From Egypt.” Harvard Educational Review 82(3): 333–52.

Hopward, Philip N., and Malcolm R. Parks. 2012. “Social Media and Political Change: Capacity, Constraint, and Consequence.” Journal of Communication 62(2): 359-62.

Murthy, D. 2012. “Towards a Sociological Understanding of Social Media: Theorizing Twitter.” Sociology 46(6): 1059-73

Coleman, G. 2010. “Ethnographic Approaches to Digital Media.” Annual Review of Anthropology 39: 487-505

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