The Education Cameroon project supports children in the Grassfields of Cameroon in following education to take their fate into their own hands and develop their own voice. You find the beautiful Grassfields in the heart of the country’s northwest province, with the city of Bamenda as its capital.
The Education Cameroon project became a part of Voice4Thought when Stichting Scholtus-de Bruijn merged with V4T in 2019. Since 2009, the Scholtus-de Bruijn Foundation had been providing financial support to the Pangmashi Yenkong Foundation, from which the Education Cameroon project originated. Founder of the foundation Pangmashi Yenkong, born in the northwest region and a human rights lawyer, wanted to help children who had to fight hard for a place in society.
We as Voice4Thought are now following up on the project by keeping in touch with the children and financially supporting them in their educational endeavors to build their future.
On this page you will find more information about the project, the background and context of the orphanage.
Do you want to donate? You can do so through Paypal or IDEAL. Contact Voice4Thought for other payment options. We are very thankful for every contribution!
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