Positive (Chad)

Positive handicraft

Positive handicraftPositive is a Chadian association of artists, painters, photographs and artisans. Created and run by Salma, Positive aims to promote art and handicraft as tools for women to make their products profitable and ensure their autonomy. Positive’s action seeks to promote contemporary art in Chad, combining traditional aesthetic values and innovation. During the last year, Positive started to run debates in high schools as well as workshops of photography and painting. This synergy of women artists and artisans seeks to challenge the common perception of Chad as a country marked by war and poverty, using the power of art and creativity.

Read more about Positive: http://www.artistetchadienne.com/positive-une-association-culturelle-qui-desire-revolutionner-lartisanat-tchadien

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Zarlinga design bagZarlinga is an enterprise created and run by Salma to commercialize her products. Zarlinga trades handicraft and other services such as photography, graphic design and infographics.

Read more about Zarlinga: http://www.artistetchadienne.com/zarlinga

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