Sjoerd Epe Sijsma

Audio Visual Coordinator
From The Netherlands

Academic / professional background

I hold a BA in Tropical Land and Water Management. After attending an intensive film course, I traveled for four years through India and Africa to fulfill my civil service duties and began using film to monitor, evaluate and promote projects for the Dutch government and Universities. I have worked for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in China on water and sanitation projects and MSF Holland, producing promotional and educational video content. In 2000 I launched my own production company, “Eyeses” as an independent filmmaker. My clients are diverse, including housing associations (Vivare), NGOs (MSF, Hivos, Oxfam Novib), political organizations (NIMD), educational institutes (Larenstein, Artez) and museums (Science Museum of London). At the present, Eyeses is collaborating with the African Studies Center and the University of Leiden on Visual Anthropology projects on how new technology impacts African societies in duress.

What does Voice4Thought mean to you?

In a world that is polarizing day by day, there is a need for a place where positive thought can be freely shared, resulting into connecting voices and visuals. As a co-Founder of the Voice4Thought project, this method helps to understand the polarizations that exist in our world.


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