Nigga and da Terrorist is a web series that proposes a new approach to facilitate the integration of people who feel underrepresented and unheard in Dutch society and improve daily social life together, through the acceptance of our differences. The very basis of a multicultural society like ours.
The concept of this web series was born during brainstorm sessions on these issues with two of last year’s Voice4thought festival engaged poets/rappers, Général Valsero (Cameroon) and Mohammad (Syria/Netherlands). Their main aim was to address the images accompanying the social perceptions roaming around in Dutch society
The approach is unprecedented because it addresses the individual responsibility of everyone in this society, questions the information received from the media and calls for consideration of the feelings of others.
We are starting from the assumption that the media generally paints a world of insecurity, fear and terror. The same media disseminate in society clichés such as religion, color, culture, sexual orientation and any form of differences that do not fit into the ideal scheme or the societal ideal promoted by the politicians. Which are sometimes conservative and traditional to the point of obsoleteness in real life. The peculiarities of the differences are often used as way of identifying scapegoats when a society feels in crisis and insecure. The loss of trust between populations and governance (financial, judicial and even legislative) has taken hold of the societal structure that now carries with it the fear for its own survival, and is its first priority.
From these assumptions, many crucial questions raise: What do people need to feel accepted and integrated in a society of “others”? What image do we have of each other? How do we interpret the reactions of others? What are our reactions to attitudes of fear or mistrust?
“Nigga and da Terrorist” aims to improve the perceptions that human beings make of themselves with their differences, it advocates acceptance and understanding of the “other”.
Respect for one’s own fear and mistrust. For it would not be logical to respond to fear and mistrust by a narrow identity and even less by violence, aggression or even mechanisms of self-exclusion. The challenge now, is to #thinkcritically about innovative strategies to improve the integration process in a more humane way. In the search for these strategies, the concept of perception of differences plays a major role.
The “Nigga” and the “terrorist” use their web series as a means of dissemination and materialization of this concept in everyday reality, hoping to be the beginning of an antidote to radicalization and a mechanism of implementation of the spirit of tolerance. This method is innovative because it integrates the new means of information dissemination , which are flexible and adapted, for the re-creation of opportunities and accessibility to knowledge to all societal strata (Media4All).
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