Un réfugié Centrafricain à Kinshasa
Gildas Banga (25) is a Central African refugee in Kinshasa (DR Congo). Gildas was studying Law at the University of Bangui when he was forced to flee his country in May 2013. Not being able to pursue his studies in the refugee camps in Northern Congo, Gildas decided to travel to the capital in search for opportunities. Because the UNHCR does not support urban refugees, Gildas is forced to fend for himself. He has become a self-taught ambulant photographer in the hope of gathering enough money to pay the expensive university fees. Gildas writes a biweekly column that touches upon different aspects of the life world of the Central African refugees in Kinshasa.
23 November 2015 – Marche pacifique des etudiants refugies Centrafricains reclamant le droit a l’education
22 October 2015 – Insécurité sanitaire des réfugiés Centrafricains malades aux camps et évacués à Kinshasa pour des soins médicaux