Overview bloggers
Voice4Thought bloggers are researchers, opinion makers, journalists and correspondents all over the world. With their voices they create an alternative source of information to counter the tendencies of polarisation worldwide.
Our bloggers:
- Rumours on the Ubangui, by Catherina Wilson: http://rumoursontheubangui.tumblr.com/\
- Divine Connections, by Inge Ligtvoet: http://divineconnectivities.tumblr.com/
- YADARI Info; “Informer sans déformer. Analyser sans tabou. http://www.yadari.fr/
- Dessinateur de presse. Blog and designs by: Adjim Danngar: https://adjimdanngar.wordpress.com/
- Women.Ge / Lesbi.org.ge, by Efie: http://women.ge/ and http://lesbi.org.ge/en/
- TABOFILS, by: Augustin Tabo: http://tabofils.hautetfort.com/
- Counter Voices in Africa, by Prof. dr. Mirjam de Bruijn: https://mirjamdebruijn.wordpress.com/
Blog archive:
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