Guidelines Study Fund Voice4Thought

The Voice4Thought Study Fund tests all applications against the general guidelines below.

Type of education/institution

  • The training/course is socially relevant and helps you to develop yourself in the field of study you wish to practice.
  • The training/course is a registered and/or recognised training/course. This means that we also want to receive an official invoice on which the payment is established.
  • The training/course has a clear start and end date.
  • We reimburse study fees (this may include compulsory literature), but not resources. We do not reimburse any costs for rent, living expenses or transport.

Other conditions

You are not younger than 16 and not older than pensionable age.


  • You give a description of the course you want to follow.
  • You write down what your objective is with regard to following the training/course.
  • You substantiate why you need financial support for your studies.
  • The application must be received by us at least 8 weeks before the start of the course.
  • The decision whether or not to grant an application is taken by the Voice4Thought Study Fund. The decision follows 6-8 weeks after receipt of the application.
  • The financial application will never be granted afterwards.
  • Your application can only be submitted via our digital application form. We will send this to you after we have corresponded with you via the contact form which you can find on our website.
  • All documents required for the application must be present. If any document is missing and/or not signed, the application cannot be processed.
  • The application must be signed by you. Proof of identity must also be included.


  • We will proceed with payment when all the required documents have been submitted and signed.
  • We will pay the institutional/course fees directly to the training course/institute. If this is not possible, a copy of the payment of the institutional/course fees is required. In addition, the training programme/institute must sign this payment agreement.
  • If the course is not completed, we require a written explanation as to why it was not completed.

Evaluation and follow-up

  • You must be able to show us the certificate/diploma you have obtained.
  • We will receive a report from you after the completion of your training about the course, what you have learned, and how you intend to apply the knowledge you have gained. This text should be at least 300 words.
  • This report does not only serve as a justification to Voice4Thought and its donors but also as a form of self-reflection. Furthermore, we as a foundation are very open to cooperation or support after completing your training.

Committee of application

Maartje van den Eijnden, Vera Bakker

The Study Fund exists by the grace of donors. This means that we can reimburse an education/course when we have the financial means to do so.


You can use the contact form to share your interest in applying to the fund. We will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know whether you are eligible, and what we need from you.

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